Wednesday, November 15, 2006


"We must not take the words of Scripture and run them through the filter of our own beliefs and feelings in order to decide what the Bible verse means to us. Such an approach mistakenly elevates experience over the Word of God." (P.9, Hearing God's Voice, Blackaby)
This raises for me the issue of how do we know when a part of scripture is cultural or relevant to all people at all times?
My approach is this:
If the bible from beginning to end only speaks of one view on a topic, then the bible is teaching a truth that is relevant for all people in all places at all times.
If the bible gives various different opinions then the truth needs to be understood culturally.
Let me give you an example. In 1 Timothy 2:12 it says "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." However, in the Old Testament we have Deborah who in Judges 4-5 is said to led Israel. Also in Romans 16 we have a list that suggests that there were women among the apostles. (See Rom 16:7) These varying examples show that the roles of women are sometimes culturally tied. In 1 Timothy the particular problems faced by that church required that women be silent.
An example of the other kind is that of sexual relations outside of marriage. The bible from beginning to end is clear that any sexual activity outside of the marriage relationship is wrong and thus this is a truth that applies to all people at all times.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

the importance of hearing from God

Key Quotes from 'Hearing God's Voice' by Henry & Richard Blackaby

  • 'Effective spiritual leaders must know when God is speaking to them.' (P.x)
  • 'So why does God speak to us? He takes the revelation found in his Word and applies it to our lives. When he does, we not only KNOW ABOUT him from his revelation in Scripture, but we also KNOW HIM by experience.' (P.xi)
  • 'With remarkable consistency, those God has used in mighty ways have been people who heard from God and obediently responded to what he said.


Unless we know the voice of God we will not be able to distinguish between our hopes, the world's wisdom and the purposes and ways of God. Learning to hear God's voice, for most this will not be an audible voice, is critical to KNOWING God versus KNOWING ABOUT God.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Poet Edwin Markham has said, "Choices are the hinges of destiny."

job dissatisfaction

Neil Anderson writes ...
A man in my church often expressed his frustration with his job. For 20 years he'd been working as a construction worker and he hated it! Frustrated with his career, he wondered why God wouldn't call him out of it.
I asked him if he had ever expressed dissatisfaction about his job with his fellow employees who weren't Christians. He said, "Oh, sure. I complain right along with the rest of them."
I continued, "What do you suppose that does to your witness?" He was a little startled by my question. I added, "Do you realize that God has you exactly where He wants you? When you assume your responsibility to be the person God wants you to be as a construction worker, He may open a new door for you."
The Holy Spirit must have brought conviction because this man became a missionary at work. He displayed concern for the needs of his coworkers and their families and soon had a series of witnessing experiences to share. Within six months an opportunity arose and he left construction work. And all because he started to bloom where he was planted.

in my view, CMP Newsletter (Sunday 12 November)

IN MY VIEW by Pastor Pete
In my view the most significant things happen when someone seeks to serve God and won't be put off. When D.L. Moody found his life in Christ, he looked for some opportunities to teach at a church, but no one wanted to use the uneducated man. He started his own Bible study in a shoe store, and it wasn't long before kids were coming out of the woodwork. People couldn't help but notice him because he was bearing fruit, and few have left such an imprint as his upon the world.
Is there something that God is calling you to do for him? Don't be afraid of starting small. Don't be put off by the seeming lack of opportunities. Start with what you can and be willing to pay the cost of time and effort, and mostly don't forget to bathe it in prayer.
In the end, even if things don't work out as planned, God will smile upon your efforts and you one day hear those most wonderful words, "Well done good and faithful servant."

hearing God's voice

If you're interested in knowing how God speaks, how to be equipped to hear God speaking directly to you, and how to respond in obedience to what He says, then I recommend the book "Hearing God's Voice" by Henry and Richard Blackaby.
I have found the book encouraging, inspiring, challenging and certainly worth the read. The book has already made a definite impact on how I live my life.