Wednesday, February 25, 2009

freedom from addiction

If I had to give a descriptor to our society I reckon near the top of my list would be 'the addictive society'. It seems like addiction is everywhere. If you have addiction issues then I suggest you check out the resources at for help from sexual, food, gambling or substance abuse addictions.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

lives not bums

One of the great challenges of pastoring a church is not getting more bums on seats, that's relatively simple, but changing lives.
More people sitting in rows of seats and then going home unchanged doesn't make the world a better place. What makes a difference is transformed lives, transformed because someone has discovered the awesome love that God has for them and how when we begin to live our lives as learners (disciples) of Jesus that our lives change and begin to impact those around us.
Are you warming a seat, or is your life being transformed? Here's a few questions to check how you are going.
  • Are you more loving towards people than you used to be? How?
  • Are you contributing resources to help the poor and less fortunate? How?
  • Are you growing in your joy of spending time with God? How?
  • Are you more honest and transparent with those around you? How?
  • Are you using your skills and gifts to serve the needs of others? How?

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Zeitgeist: The Movie

Have you watched Zeitgeist: The Movie? Part 1, the first 45 minutes, is a diatribe against the Christian faith. It's powerfully put together piece of propoganda, the only problem is its full of easily discovered historical inaccuracies. I encourage you to check out and see their response to the Movie which gives a very good response.

Monday, February 02, 2009

A simple experiment

Hi, I wonder if you would take the next 2-3 minutes to do a little experiment that just might change someone’s eternal destination. (I promise it won’t hurt.)

  • Step 1: Pretend, just for a minute, that you were willing to invite an unchurched friend, work colleague or family member to church.
  • Step 2: Now pretending that you were prepared to do this, list three people that you would like to discover a real relationship with God.
  • Step 3: Think or list 2-3 benefits they would get by accepting your invitation. (Writing it down is more powerful, but thinking the ideas is okay as well.)
  • Step 4: Take a few seconds now to pray for each of those people. Something like … “Dear God, I lift up XXX to you and ask that you would touch their life in some way this week, and if you want you can use me to do that. Thank you God.”
  • Step 5: Consider committing to taking 2-3 minutes each day for the next week to doing this little experiment and see how God can use you. (If you do why not email or text me to let me know you are doing this. My contact details are or 0407-278-175.
  • Step 6: You might like to challenge someone else to trying this experiment by passing on this experiment with a note to say you’re doing it and you’d like them to join you.