Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The wise old woman

Sometimes in conflict we need to step out of the situation. There is a middle Eastern story about a Father who dies and leaves his 3 sons with 17 camels. The oldest gets 1/2, the 2nd gets 1/3 and the youngest gets 1/9. Since 17 cannot be divided by 2, 3 or 9 they could not resolve how to divide the camels, so they went to a wise old woman for help. The old woman thought about it for a while and then said, "Well I have a camel I don't need so why don't you have it so you can have 18 camels." They took the 18 camels and the oldest got 1/2, that is 9, the 2nd son got 1/3, that is 6, and the youngest got 1/9, that is 2. After the dividing there was 1 camel left which they gave back to the old women.
This story comes from

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