Someone once said that all it takes for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing.
Yesterday I confronted someone I saw stealing bananas from a local small grocery store. The result was that I was punched and then kicked repeatedly by two young men, and other than the person who stopped their car, everyone else did nothing.
Most of my wifes friends who've heard the story wonder why I did what I did, their solution is to turn a blind eye. For me this is not an option. As a follower of Jesus I feel I must stand against evil whenever it shows itself.
The reality is that I live in one of the worst suburbs in Sydney, Redfern, and its getting worse because people are afraid of confronting evil.
But things will not change unless followers of Jesus chose to live in the worst places and confront evil whenever they see it.
1 comment:
I just finished reading a Joe Queenan book where one of his articles he reviews movies that involve priests, nuns (etc). Apparently there were quite a few films in the 1920s where priests dispenced justice with their firsts.
Maybe it's time people became more like Father Dave:
In all seriousness though, when you go through Central Station and see people jumping over the turnstilles and the staff on duty being totally indifferent, it's hard to care.
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