Thursday, November 18, 2004


Over the last year I've discovered the peace that comes from knowing that in the end justice resides in the hand of God. I really don't know how people who don't believe in God and in justice beyond this life cope when they don't get justice from the temporal authorities.
Just over a year ago my eldest brother was hit and killed by a driver who did not stop. Indeed he took active steps to hide. Eventually the man was caught and went through the justice system claiming innocence until the first day of his trial where he finally pleaded guilty.
And what was his punishment? 180 hours community service and a $10,000 fine.
Is this justice for a man who in all probability was drunk at the wheel? Is this justice for failing to stop and for all he knew render life saving help.
Instead a following car hit my brother and now a family has to live with having hit someone through absolutely no fault of their own.
In the end justice is administered by God and it is in his hands my peace resides and so I can truly pray.
"Lord I pray that you would reveal yourself to this man and bring him to a knowledge of you that enables him to truly acknowledge his sin and then find the peace that only you can give."

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