Friday, January 21, 2005

be still

Alan Attwood in "Stop the World, It's Time to Get Off" issues a strong challenge to stop living the rush rush lifestyle. I like his comment when he stays that the 'leisure industry is dedicated to selling toys to people who can't amuse themselves without expensive distractions.'
This article challenged me to reflect on the challenge of the bible which is "be still and know that I am God." Being still is not a natural thing to me - frankly I get bored! But the challenge of the teachings of Jesus is that it is not until we discover the joy of being still in God, that we will truly discover the tremendous joy their is to being alive.
"Lord, help me be still and know you more and more each day."
Inspired by an article in "The Big Issue" which is a independent current affairs and entertainment magazine sole in towns and cities throughout Australia by homeless, and long-term unemployed and marginalised people seeking to positively change their lives and interact wieht mainstream society. Vendors keep $2, half the cover price, as their direct income.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. It's been a really long time since I've just been still.

I've always just thought my life would be more productive doing *anything* especially reading the Bible before going to work.