Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Joy Exercise 1: Reflecting on Happiness

My goal is to come up with 365 simple practical exercises anybody can do to increase the level of joy in their life.

Exercise 1: Reflecting on happiness.
Set aside 5-10 minutes where you will be uninterrupted and in relative quiet - sit on the loo if you need to. Close your eyes and bring to mind a recent time when you were really happy. Get right into the details of what that moment was like. Where was it, what was happening, who were you with, what were you feeling?
I believe happy people bring back to memory and re-live those happy moments bringing the past happiness into the present reality and then use that happy memory to spur them back into life.

I like what Nancy Etcoff says at "Because when you think about it, people are happiest when in flow, when they're absorbed in something out in the world, when they're with other people, when they're active, engaged in sports, focusing on a loved one, learning, having sex, whatever. They're not sitting in front of the mirror trying to figure themselves out, or thinking about themselves. These are not the periods when you feel happiest."

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