Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the cost

In my view one of the greatest dangers to a genuine faith is when someone makes a decision to follow Jesus based on the idea that Jesus will then make them happy by fixing up their problems, or that Jesus will make them prosperous.
Don't get me wrong, there is a peace and a joy that comes when we are in right relationship with God, but the peace that Jesus promises is a 'peace in the midst of difficulty', not 'peace because of lack of difficulty'.
The reason to follow Jesus is because we recognise that we have fallen short of God's standard and that we cry out to God to give us forgiveness based upon the sacrafice that Jesus made on the cross.
Jesus when praying for his disciples in John 16:33 says "In this world you will have trouble, But take heart! I have overcome the world." later he says in John 17:13 "... so that they have the full measure of my joy within them."
Jesus in praying for his disciples promises that those that follow him will know peace in spite of the fact that the world hates those that genuinely follow Jesus.
Are you ready to face difficulty for the sake of Jesus? A genuine follower of Jesus is able to say, perhaps with trembling knees, "YES, I will follow my Lord and God no matter the cost, even if the cost is my life, my comfort or my possessions!"

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