Friday, December 02, 2005

media bias

Does media coverage reflect the views of society? Well if surveys of Journalists in America is any guide then you have to be very wary of media reports. (see &
Consider the current debate on the death penalty. If you went by the views of the media you would believe virtually everyone is against the death penalty. But studies show that the split in Austalia is actually about 53/47, almost an even split.
Now popular opinion doesn't make something right, but surely the media should more fairly represent the views of the society.
Interestingly enough the views of journalists as a group are more liberal than the population, that is they more highly agree with abortion, more highly believe adultery is morally okay, more highly believe in homosexuality as a life choice, more highly believe that the death penalty is wrong.
So when you read your paper or listen to the news broadcast you are hearing the views of people who are almost diametrically opposed to the teachings of the bible on most topics, so we each need to heed the biblical mandate to 'judge carefully' the things we hear.

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