Monday, July 11, 2005


"Now we need something dramtaically different from 'getting better'-from even getting 'a whole lot better'-at what we did for a couple of hundred years. Now we need to train ourselves to plan an Entirely New Game ... a game called Re-imagine, in which the rules that define 'better' no longer apply." (Re-Imagine! P.25, Tom Peters)
I agree, we have to get away from incremental improvements to whole new paradigms of seeing and thinking and most importantly doing.
Who said we have to do things the way we always have! Why can't we do things so radically different that people will shake in their boots and wave their fists in fear of the unknown journey ahead.
This is as true for the way we do business as it is for the way we express our faith communally.
Every once in a while I do this exercise. I imagine if I were starting with nothing, and then think about what I would do if there are no rules.
Why not re-imagine today and make tommorrow a different world to live in.

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