Friday, August 20, 2004


Do you ever feel lonely? I've come to the conclusion that people who never feel lonely have yet to learn to live.
My gut feeling is that the only people who never feel lonely are the people who never spend time in real silence. Thesd days we live such noisy busy lives that it's easy to never be really alone, really in silence, really thinking.
I used to feel really uncomfortable with loneliness until I read a life changing book called "Inside Out" by Larry Crab. Now I recognise loneliness as a symptom of not yet knowing God in a way that I will one day know him. Loneliness is essentially thinking I need someone or something to make me feel valued, rather than realising that my essential sense of who I am can only come in a full relationship with God.
I dare you to spend some time in real silence and learn to live with the reality of some loneliness in life.

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