Friday, October 22, 2004


"For worship to be worship, it must contain something of the otherness of God." (Facedown, p23)
The otherness of God is magnificent was of highlighting the fact that God is not just a superhuman human being. God is not a white bearded old man in the sky. God is not an angry petty diety waiting for us to foul up.
It is true that we are created in the image of God and so we have some characteristics that God has. But to then just treat God as a blown up version of us is to dishonour who He is.
Our view of who God is and what He is like we invariably influence how we view His position in our lives. It is not until we come to see the magnificence, the eternalness, the power and the grace He has that we will bow our lives down to Him.
The fact that God is not wholely other means we can know something of Him. But in knowing something of Him we must never let go of the fact that He is far greater than our heads will ever understand.
"Oh God grant that we your children might glimpse to a greater degree your otherness so that we might fall on our faces and worship you."

Other quotes ...
"Otherness gives us a sense that God is so pure, matchless and unique that no one else and nothing else even comes close." (p24)
"But He is not like us. He is utterly incomparable - beyond the furthest horizon of our imaginations. He is off the scale of our comprehension. We have merely known the shallows of the mighty depth." (p25-26)
"But the call is to venture out into the ocean, to encounter the extraordinary and to explore the mighty depths of God." (p26)

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