Friday, September 10, 2010

Matt 5:10-12

Discipleship Habit 12 Holy and Peaceable Life
Discipleship Question: Are you living a holy and peaceable life that is attractive to others?
Matt 5:10-12
• Someone once described the modern world something like this: “In reality there is nothing more beautiful than good and so horrible as evil, but in fantasy such as TV there is nothing so boring as good and as exciting as evil.” Righteousness is not something appreciated by the world, for the world would rather we act an do things that allow them freedom to do whatever pleases them.
• Have you ever been persecuted for doing or saying the right thing? Spend some time thanking God for this opportunity to honour him despite the cost.
• Who do you know who most exemplifies righteousness in their life. Spend time thanking God for that person and think of a way in which you can thank or encourage that person.
• Are there any areas of your life that you are compromising, not doing what is right for fear of the consequences? Ask God for forgiveness for you sin and ask him for strength to stand up in the face of the cost of obedience in the future.
• Reread over the section Matt 5:3-12 and list up to three actions you feel called to make in your life as a result of this teaching of Jesus.

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