Saturday, September 11, 2010

Matthew 6:5-8

Discipleship Habit 03 Devotional Life
Discipleship Question: Discipleship Reflection Question: Do you set time aside on a regular basis to be alone, commune and build up your personal relationship with God?
Jesus begins to teach us about one of the central practices of a follower of God, the practice of private prayer.
  • What do you learn from this passage?
  • Spend some time in reflection on the practice of prayer in your life up to this point, how does it measure against the principles of this passage?
  • Describe what prayer means for you, how you've practiced it, and the place it has for you now.
  • Think of at least one person that you admire as a person of prayer and ask them to describe their prayer habit to see if you can learn from them.
  • Consider what a prayer goal for you might be. Example 1: I will at least 5 times a week rise at 6am and spend 15 minutes in private prayer. OR Example 2: For the next week whenever I ... I will spend a few minutes in prayer.
  • Buy the book 'The Hour that Changes the World' by Dick Eastman. It is available at or

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