Friday, September 10, 2010

Matthew 5:25-26

Discipleship Habit 07 Generosity
Discipleship Question: Are you generous in giving away to others?
Here is a situation where it a person is being taken to court for a debt that they have incurred and we are informed that it would be wise to deal with the situation quickly and early rather than waiting for a judge to make a decision.
  • What natural and spiritual lessons do you draw from this short illustration?
  • Take an inventory of your life. What debts do you owe? Spiritual, emotional, financial?
  • Think through your debts, what is a possible negative outcome of not dealing with that debt in long-term?
  • Pick the debt you feel is weighing you down the most and devise a simple plan of how you can dispose of that debt. Ask God for wisdom to know what to do and to have courage to do it.
  • Be open to sharing your struggle with a fellow believer and to ask for their support and help.
  • Tell the story of your victory or success in your small group when it is done.

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