Sunday, September 12, 2010

Matthew 6:16-18

Discipleship Habit 03 Devotional Life
Discipleship Question: Discipleship Reflection Question: Do you set time aside on a regular basis to be alone, commune and build up your personal relationship with God?
Fasting is spiritual discipline whereby we stop something for a period of time to exercise control and honour God. It might be like Jesus and Moses did, fasting from food for 40 days, or it might be fasting for example from one meal a day for one week, or from a particular form of food for a period of time, or from a habit such as watching TV, or even from normal sexual relations with our husband/wife. (But the bible warns this must be done with mutual consent and only for a short period. See 1 Corinthians 7:1-5.) Normally the time that would be used to eat/watch etc, would be used to spend in prayer.
  • What does this passage say about the attitude we should have while fasting?
  • What is the result of right fasting?
  • Have you ever fasted, from what and for how long and what was the result?
  • Is there an area of your life that you want spiritual breakthrough in, could fasting be something you could try as a means by which God can give you spiritual strength and/or insight?
  • A few good books on Fasting are: 'This Chosen Fast' by Matt Madigan (friend of mine) or 'Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough' by Elmer L Towns.
  • It is a general guideline to start your fasting habit in a small way and it maybe helpful to ask others about their fasting habits to get some ideas and insights.

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