Friday, September 10, 2010

Matthew 5:23-24

Discipleship Habit 01 Love
Discipleship Reflection Question: Do you live a life that evidences that you love God, Self and Others?

Reading: Matt 5:23-24

One of the problems we face is doing the important versus easy thing. Giving an offering is needed but is relatively easy as it involves our wealth but not our self. Dealing with reconciliation is a much harder thing as it will necessarily involve sacrificing some emotional energy and maybe much much more.
  • What are some of the habits of your faith that you find relatively easy to do?
  • What are some of the habits of your faith do you avoid because they are much harder?
  • Is there any particular things you know you ought to do but have been procrasitinating on?
  • Is there anyone in your life you need to reconcile with?
  • Even if the fault is 99% with the other person, which is unlikely, what is at least some part that you can take responsibility for?
  • Are you willing to go to that person, acknowledge the aspect you are responsible for, and seek to reconcile?
  • You may require some outside help. If this is so, who might you go to for wisdom and help?
  • What is the next step for you? (It might be as simple as committing to pray for that person every day for a week.) Once that step is complete what will be your second step, and so on until the reconciliation is complete?

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