Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Matthew 1:1-17

Discipleship Habit 01 Love
Discipleship Reflection Question: Do you live a life that evidences that you love God, Self and Others? (Focus on loving others.)
Read Matthew 1:1-17
• In Jesus lineage there are a number of ‘skeletons in the closet’ that you may not have picked up.
• Using google, a bible website like, or some other resource, do some research on at least one of the following characters in Jesus lineage. ‘Rahab’, ‘Ruth’ the mother of Solomon ‘Bathsheba’.
• In loving yourself you need to accept who you are. What are things in your lineage or past that hinder who you are today?
• Spend some time in prayer asking God to help you put the past in the past so you can move into the future.

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