Friday, September 10, 2010

Matt 5:17-20

Discipleship Habit 02 Faith and Baptism
Discipleship Question: Am I declaring my faith in the truths of the gospel in the way that Jesus asks me to?
Matt 5:17-20
• You can check out Wikipedia to get an idea of what the ‘Law or the Prophets’ is or you could check out what a commentary at says. (Go to biblegateway home page, select ‘Additional Resources’ then ‘Commentaries’ then ‘Matthew’ and then check out the passage you want to look at.)
• What role does obedience play in this passage?
• How obedient are we called to be?
• Read John 3:1-21 in light of this passage, what do you learn?
• Focusing on John 3:18, how do you stand with God?
• You may wish to talk to a mature Christian leader about where you are in your relationship and standing with God.

Recommended website to read bible online:

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