Wednesday, September 08, 2004

perfect world

I reckon it must be depressing when you think politics will bring about a world worth living in. When will we get it through our think heads that perfect politics will never get us a perfect world because its made up of us imperfect people. (The bible calls that being a sinner.) But so often we expect politics to solve the problems of the world.
When will we realise that even if the whole budget were given to health, we would still have health problems and waiting lists. When will we realise that if we gave our whole budget to education, we would still have gaps in the education system.
Jesus said it in these words, "you will always have the poor among you". Not meaning we are uninvolved or unconcerned, but instead challenging us to get our thinking right.
The answer of Jesus is that though we can have glimpses of the kingdom of God now, it will not happen in its fullness until he returns.

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